OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFuente Genovesa OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStatue outside the bullring OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAView of the bullring from Castillo de Gibralfaro OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASide door, Catedral View from the terrace, Hostal Las Terrazas, Bubion OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWaterfall on route to Capileira OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATypical Alpujarras street in Capileira OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAlpujarras chimney pots, Capileira OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPeppers drying, Portugos OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPlenty of photo opportunities in the lost village OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACarolyn filling waterbottles, Busquistar Dorothy and Katie contemplate the exciting prospect of another day walking OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStreet scene, Busquistar OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA shade-and-water stop en route to Castaras OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe almond harvest OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAApproaching Castaras OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMartin and Helen - the eyes have it ! Town planning, Castaras-style OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAbandoned houses on the way to Jose's farm OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAbandoned houses on the way to Jose's farm OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAResident pot-bellied pig, Castaras OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAgave flower spikes OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAView from fuerte above Juviles OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMiles to go. A distant Trevelez OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPenabon from the path above Trevelez OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Dog's Bottom ...... is where this photo of my beautiful wife Carolyn was taken Summit of Penabon - Mairead and John check all is safe Approaching the summit, Piedra Ventana OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGroup photo, summit of Piedra Ventana, 2534 metres OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGroup photo, summit of Piedra Ventana, 2534 metres(Spot the difference !) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALooking down to Trevelez from Piedra Ventana OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANina contemplates a quick route down OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHelen and Katie OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASteve braves the icy waters Helen OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALocal washerwomen ... Nina does her Freddie "Parrot-face" Davies impression ... but Alistair sticks to Larry Grayson OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is no place for a rock-stop, John! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACol and glacial lake at the foot of Veleta OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOn top of the world. Carolyn, Martin, Mairead and Steve Jose II OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFrom the summit, looking west to Veleta OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFrom the summit, looking north-west OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFrom the summit, looking north OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARuins on the summit OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGroup photo, summit of Mulhacen, 3482 metres OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStarting the descent OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStill descending ... Las dos Joses (and Nina) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHalf-way down, looking back towards the summit OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANorth face of Mulachen, peak of Alcazaba in the background Mairead OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIglesia de Santa Ana OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMurals, Carrera del Darro OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Alhambra from Paseo del Padre Manjon OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATiles, Convent wall OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStreet in Albaicin Murallas del Albaycin from Mirador San Cristobal. Mulhacen and Veleta in background. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAView from balcony, Hotel Suecia OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANina, our gorgeous Tour Leader ! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADorothy and John OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMelanie OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFountain, Plaza de Isabel Catolica OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGroup photo - by Katie OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMartin OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKatie demonstrates that flamenco is serious business OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMairead OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJenny is delighted by dessert. Mairead is not so sure. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACheerzz, Jenny! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHelen considers implants? OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAlistair and Katie - a cappy houple (hic)! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANina - cheap at twice the price? 2002. Bulgaria: Mountains and Monasteries